What’s the Difference? Oracle Cards vs Tarot Cards

When you’re first starting out with cartomancy, it can be overwhelming to figure out what to get and what to learn. One of the biggest misconceptions to newcomers is the difference between oracle cards vs. tarot cards.

These two systems of cartomancy offer unique and varying perspectives which wholly depend on the kind of questions you’re asking and the type of system that allows you to tap into your intuition in the easiest way. Read on to learn more!

What Are Tarot Cards: A Beginners Guide!

Will he come back to me? When will I meet The One? Is he cheating on me?

These are common questions I’ve received as a tarot reader on a psychic hotline. While a tarot reading can answer these questions, the cards tell a bigger story. One that some people don’t like to hear.

That story begins and ends with you.