“The beginning of all wisdom is wonder.”

-Aristotle, Metaphysics Book I, chapter II

If you’re here, you are like me: a seeker. Something has sparked within you. A sense of curiosity. A desire to discover the unknown and the mysterious. Perhaps you’ve had a profound spiritual experience. In your journey of self discovery there is wonder, beauty, existential crisis, darkness, and fundamental shifts of perspective that rock your world view and leave you breathless.

Perhaps you can’t help but wonder: am I on this path alone?

My friend, you are not alone. This website is dedicated to you: the spiritual seeker, the scholar, the inquisitor. Here you can find down-to-earth resources, blogs, and services that will help you to incubate and transform into the highest version of yourself.

I welcome you with open heart and open arms.

Why I Blog

My passion is learning, researching, and diving deep into the universe’s fundamental experiences.

It is my goal to discover and present the intersectionality of symbolism cross-culturally. I cover everything from the Renaissance to the Greeks and Egyptians, indigenous Americas, and Vedic traditions to create a complete picture of narratives from the collective unconscious.

Humans are far more magical and wise than meets the eye; we are part of a wholesome and pristine interconnected system of elements, geometry, and physics.

Throughout history, humans have carefully documented and interacted with this system in profound and mystical ways. However, in our technology-rich modern world, we need to find a way to cross the bridge between ancient beliefs and our current reality.

What Do I Do?

In addition to reading and writing about the cosmological origins of the universe, I use astrology and tarot to understand gnosis in the modern world. My conviction is that everyone has the capacity to unlock the mysteries of the ancients within us.

Therefore, I use my skills and my passions to help you understand yourself and teach you how you can find universal truths for yourself, too.

Ultimately it’s about healing, which is why I use my background in psychology to provide a unique level of support that goes beyond the sometimes muddy spiritual phraseology.

Where I’ve Been Featured

Authority Magazine – Mental Health Champions: Why & How Masha Loddy Is Helping To Champion Mental Wellness

Psychedelic Radio – Pish Witch with Spiritual Teacher Masha Loddy