"Making others happy, through kindness of speech and sincerity of right advice, is a sign of true greatness"
-Paramahansa Yogananda
About the Website
If you’re here, you are like me: a seeker. Something has sparked within you. Curiosity. A desire to discover the unknown, the dark, and the mysterious. Perhaps you’ve had a profound mystical experience with psychedelics, or you desire to understand more about the occult world. Either way, you’re not alone.
This website is dedicated to you: the spiritual seeker, the inquisitor, the wonderer. Here you can find down-to-earth resources and services that will help you incubate and transform into the highest version of yourself.
About Me

Professional Story
My name is Masha, and I am a Vision Quester from the altar of Zhuracphamba, astrologer, psychonaut, and a curious soul on a mission. I’ve studied astrology and tarot for a little over 7 years, now.
I am a current student of the Magha Vedic Academy with Kapiel Raaj learning the Nandi Nadi branch of Vedic Astrology. I use a combination of both Western and Vedic techniques in addition to asteroids and Arabic Parts.
I‘ve tested these methods in my time as a psychic advisor on Purple Ocean and MysticSense in addition to my entrepreneurial work for several years providing advice for over 500 people.
I have a bachelor’s in Psychology and Bioethics.
I am currently living in South America learning the traditions of the Red Road by committing myself to four years of Vision Quest and plant medicine work with power plants such as ayahuasca and huachuma.

Life Story
I have always been in touch with the spiritual whether I liked it or not. Maybe this story will resonate with you if you’re here.
As a child, I suffered from nightmares, hauntings, sleep paralysis, and severe migraines. I was a sensitive kid, and I was terrified of sleep. These nightmares and hauntings continued well into my early twenties while studying psychology and bioethics in college. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I took the pills and did the therapy.
None of it was working. I was plowing the same tracks over and over. I broke in 2017 after 3 days of sleepless nights and ended up in the psych ward.
I knew something needed to change. But where to even start?
I threw myself back into my studies—Buddhism, Hinduism, astrology, tarot, Hermeticism, and psychedelics. If modern medicine didn’t have an answer, surely ancient wisdom would.
Little did I know I would end up in the Andes mountains of Ecuador drinking sacraments of power in ceremonies seven years later. Let alone sit on a mountain for four days and four nights without food, water, and talking.
I’ve learned from my experiences that the power of consciousness is creation itself. It’s my responsibility to ensure I build a life I love. A life worth living filled with delight and laughter and smiles. I’ve learned that challenges will come, but suffering is optional.
My conviction is that everyone has access to power beyond their imagining. I believe no matter your background, you can heal and become exactly who you were meant to become.
I’ve committed to using my skills and passions to help you understand yourself and teach you how you can find universal truths for yourself, too.
It’s time for you to remember how powerful you are. How strong you are. How fucking beautiful you are. This life is meant to be lived in joy.