Most people think of Hinduism or Buddhism when considering karma science. There are many ways to apply karmic principles regardless of your religious background practically.

By mapping your karma using the eclipse cycles, you can deepen your understanding of your karma and uncover critical reoccurring patterns in your life.

What is karma?

Frequently, karma is misconstrued as a consequence of good versus evil actions. Maxims like “Karma’s a bitch!” and “What goes around comes around” pervade Western consciousness.

However, karma is not a moral judgment system. The West mischaracterizes karma through cultural constructs of Christian moralism – if you do a terrible thing, you will be punished; if you do a good thing, you will be rewarded.

In Sanskrit, the word karma translates as “action,” “intent,” “deed,” or “work.” It relates to the conscious application of intention from an individual. Karma is the result of the activity.

Karma is not a moral justice system. Instead, it is how one can actively work with or against the co-creation and unification of a harmonious, balanced universe. Subsequently, karma aids us in our inner transformation throughout many lifetimes of spiritual evolution.

The actions and states of consciousness that we enact through conscious choices we make, the thoughts we think, and the lives we influence affect our karma.

It’s simple to be a victim of the external environment and think to oneself, “I am doomed.” Yet, through the force of karma, those thoughts feed into an energetic exchange of condemnation that will repeat itself until it is broken.

Ultimately, thoughts, feelings, and words fuel one’s actions, feeding the karmic cycle.

How can we practically use karma science?

karma science: wheel of dharma

One way to use karma science is through spiritual disciplines like the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism. The Wheel of Dharma illustrates eight critical areas in life that can improve your karma if consciously transformed and integrated.

The more seeds of virtuous actions, the juicer the resulting fruit.

Of course, there is no One way to live virtuously, and religious preference is subjective.

Regardless of your spiritual pursuits, you can use astrology to map karmic cycles in your life to identify tangible connections and deepen your awareness.

Mapping your karma through eclipses

Throughout your lifetime, you will experience many lunar and solar eclipses. Their effect remains just as potent to your soul whether or not they are visible in your area.

Solar and lunar eclipses occur in pairs, one occurring earlier in the month and one later. The time parameters change depending on the year’s eclipse calculations, but this is a good rule of thumb.

In astrology, each eclipse pair constitutes a thread of karma. Each karma thread has a 19-year cycle based on the moon’s Metonic cycle. Eclipses are carefully calculated and mapped out in calendars like this one.

Typically, the moon’s nodes represent eclipse pairs in the zodiac. These nodes are on opposite sides of the moon (North and South), and on opposing ends of the zodiac.

The pair of nodes you are born with determine your soul’s evolution, purpose, karma, and dharma. Eclipse seasons and their relationship to your moon’s nodes activate the karmic threads in your life.

karma science threads
Dancing karma threads

You can think of these threads as many ropes intertwining in a dance ad infinitum. These threads co-influence and correspond to events in your life in intimate ways.

Some threads correlate to critical life events: transformative moments of maturation and progression into a new stage of life. These are the threads we investigate during karma mapping.

Practical Application of Karma Science

So what do all these threads mean as applied to your chart? Each polarity point of the zodiac has an innate lesson to teach about the cosmic puzzle you are a part of.

Polarities are degrees of opposition in space. Think North and South Pole, 180 degrees of movement. The Cancer/Capricorn axis, denoted by the pink circles below, is a zodiacal polarity.

This is called opposition in astrology. Oppositions are key life lessons. They contain wisdom within their intractable yet interlacing energies. Each opposition in the zodiac influences an area of life.

The Cancer/Capricorn polarity is the archetypal Mother/Father. It represents the careful balance of yielding within a safely constructed space. It is the provider and the nurturer.

Often individuals with this polarity point experience conflict with their parents as a necessary obstacle to individuation. These individuals also experience an inner need to reparent themselves; they unlearn to relearn how to hold space for their sensitivity.

When Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycles occur, these conflicts, among others, are highlighted. The individual is forced to confront the realities of unresolved emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and systems in order to overcome them.

The exact process works with all the polarity points of the zodiac but manifests in unique and profound ways inherent to the karmic lessons hidden within those polarity points.

Process of Karma Mapping

The process of karma mapping is taking stock of all pivotal moments in your life, including your family’s. This can be anything from your first kiss, the death of a loved one, graduation, moving homes, and more.

Pivotal moments in your family history and key events in your parents’ and grandparents’ lives also paint a picture of karmic threads in your life.

For example, my great-grandmother fled the Bolshevik Revolution in the winter of 1917 during a Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle. Her parents and several siblings were tragically murdered on the train, and she lost all of her money and precious belongings.

I am a Cancer sun and Capricorn moon. During Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycles I have transformational moments of self discovery and relearning how to take care of myself and my mental health.

I’ve identified this thread by mapping critical events in my life: my great-grandmother’s escape, going to the mental hospital, meeting my karma partner, and seeing the Milky Way for the first time all fell during a Cancer/Capricorn eclipse.

It is the most intimate self-learning process – to see how integrally connected we are to the cosmic clock. Karma mapping encourages you to reflect on key areas of your life, then consciously analyze them to recognize patterns.

Just like tarot is a reflection of the macrocosm, karma science is a means by which we can empower ourselves with knowledge. By bringing conscious awareness to patterns that rule our lives, we reframe and reconstruct reality to encourage growth and continuous evolution.

Is Karma Science for Me?

If you experience:

  • Frustration over things beyond your control
  • Cycles of mood swings you can’t seem to get out of
  • Issues with your family that cause disruption in your well-being
  • Self esteem issues
  • Identity crises
  • Limiting self-beliefs
  • Curiosity about the nature of your purpose
  • A desire to learn more about yourself and evolve

Then karma science will help you uncover astrological influences that drive your karma and support you in reinventing your life story.

What’s Included in a Karma Mapping Session?

  • Two one-hour 1:1 sessions

The first session is for education – you’ll learn how to map your karma, and we will run through vital energetic signatures in your chart.

The second session is to review your karma map and identify practical ways to prepare for your karmic threads’ next phase.

  • An in-depth chart review

I will review your chart based on your goals and current circumstances. This can include a variety of techniques – incorporating personal name asteroids, composite charts, synastry, and more.

  • A PDF report and video recording

The report will contain all relevant energetic signatures, practice recommendations, and highlighted karmic threads to pay attention to.


The total cost is $333